The last two decades have been years of deep crisis in all sections of society. An economic crisis, certainly, but not only. Crisis sign of a profound change in the relationship between the various components of civil society. Has changed the way we perceive these relationships and, what is worse, has changed the method of exchange of ideas: It' s all deeply faster and superficial: what was proposed and assimilated with the times that are necessary for these dynamics, today is poured on the public so hasty and improvised, and very often wrong. Be it political, social or art.
Faced with a similar picture one might then ask why you should invest in the arts such as Natural Fine Art Photography. Why just what seems to be rejected by the civil society should attract our attention and our economies?
The answer probably, beyond any purely economic and speculative, has to be found in need, fortunately still felt in vast areas of civil society (especially in countries such as the United States or Northern Europeans countries) of a new art form , close to social, strong, brave and not only closed the economic empires.
And so the proposal to surround ourselves in places where we live and work, with expressions of Photographic Art that could push the mind to wider and different horizons, real or inner trips, always carriers of enrichment for the mind and for the spirit.